Construction Maeconomics Conference 2014
Comparison of export finacing
program s in Germany and Czech republic
This paper demonstrates increasing
and necessary role of European Export Credit Agencies (ECAs) and development
banks for reaching success of European exporters in developing markets.
Construction and engineering industries have been heavily affected by recent
economic conditions and debt crises on national levels. Such a situation
resulted in shortage of construction bids in the whole Europe. Taking
advantage of national export credits and guarantee programs can result in
significant competitive advantage in company’s expansion to developing markets
worldwide. The markets of Eastern Europe, Middle East and Asia are specific
with neglected infrastructure and represent a huge potential for European
firms possessing necessary exporting know-how and technologies. In order to
withstand the pressure resulting from increasing market competition, exporting
firms are forced to come out with tailor made solutions and high level of
value added. Delivering project construction together with secured project
financing proved to be the key success factor in developing markets which
enables European firms to succeed in highly competitive international bids.
Ambition of this paper is to introduce and compare export financing programs
including availibility of credit insurance in the
Czech Republic and Germany.
Export financing, Competitive advantage,
Export Credit Agency, Insurance.