Construction Maeconomics Conference 2014
Project Partnering - alternative way of doing
There is a plenty of alternative procurement
systems on today’s construction market. This procurement systems
have currently received a lot of
attention, especially on the Czech construction market. The whole process of
the selection of the contractor is affected by the needs of the owner and the
abilities of the potential contractor. In many cases, the owner is deprived of
the possibility to elect the optimal contractor system losing its potential
advantages and possibly accepting more risks than necessary. Consequently it
may result in growing costs and time of the realization. The project
partnering is not a new way of doing business in civil engineering, but an
alternative procurement system. Project partnering procurement system is based
on establishing a climate of goodwill and fair dealing between the parties. It
builds a relationship of trust and teamwork over the project, that results
into everyone's benefit and succesfull completation of the project. If project partnering works
properly, it could be very useful procurement system on the Czech construction
construction project ; procurement systems ; project partnering