Construction Maeconomics Conference 2014

Development of new PPP in the Middle Europe Region

Ing. Jakub Blaťák


After the failure of the pilot PPP projects was the PPP market in the Czech Republic and Slovakia paralyzed. There are several current projects but anyone can be presented as a successful, "real" PPP. Can this be changed? The Slovak government is preparing a health care PPP in Bratislava. The project seems to be well prepared and the startup of the tender is going to be ready in few weeks. Can the usage of new approaches recover the PPP market? If so, it can have also the economics aspects in accordance to the crisis. The most important on the project preparation is to set up a viable structure of the project and risk allocation. Nevertheless, the market can have a problem with this project. There is no experienced competitor in healthcare PPP on the Slovak market, but there are few private health care providers which could be able to operate this project.


PPP; Healthcare; Risk alocation.

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