Construction Maeconomics Conference 2014

Deviation in the cost of projects

Eng. Sonia Ahmed, Doc. Ing. P. Dlask, Ph.D., Prof. B. Hasan


There are several ways to estimate the cost of the construction project: simple and detailed. The process of estimating cost is usually done during the design stage, which should take long time and the designer must give attention to all details. Through practice, it has been shown the big deviation in the cost, which affects most of the construction projects for various reasons.

This paper demonstrates the effect of the deviations occurring in the cost of the construction project (in Syria), and determines the reasons of these differences between contractual cost and final cost of the construction project, through the study of several projects. It also monitors the changes in the cost’s items, right down to the final cost and proves that it is higher compared with the values of the contractual cost.

Therefore, we propose some measures that would help to control and adjust the deviation through a simple questionnaire, and benefit from the experience of workers in the field of building and designing. In addition, we will show the difference between those values through diagrams drawn using statistical program.

The main result of the paper is determination of the cost deviation (not only in Syria) as the base for the next research. According to the result we can propose the right direction for the final cost evaluation.


cost; construction projects; cost deviation; estimating costs

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